
What is Participy?

Welcome to Participy, the event planning app that is revolutionizing the way you plan and experience events! At Participy, we believe in the power of coming together, sharing unforgettable moments, and creating memories that last a lifetime. Our story is rooted in our love for well-organized events, fun gatherings, and good times spent with friends.


our Story

Unforgettable Beginnings

It all began on a beautiful day in Cartagena, Colombia. Our founders, Duc Than and David, were enjoying a relaxing evening on the balcony of their Airbnb, sipping cold beers and watching the sun set over the vibrant city. As they reminisced about their favorite memories of barbecues by the lake and lively summer parties, an idea sparked – what if they could revolutionize the event planning process and make it a team effort, where everyone can participate and contribute?

With that vision in mind, Duc and David set out on a mission to simplify event planning, fostering a sense of community, and turning the planning process into a fun and engaging experience for everyone involved.


Who we are

Event Enthusiasts

We are Duc Than and David, two friends from Germany who are passionate about bringing people together and making memories. We love nothing more than enjoying a laid-back day by the lake, sharing laughter and stories with our friends over a barbecue, and soaking up the warmth of summer with a cold beer in hand. Our shared love for connection and celebration led us to create Participy, an app designed to revolutionize the event planning process and make it accessible, enjoyable, and inclusive for all.

our values

Good Vibes, Better Times

At Participy, our app is built upon a set of core values that reflect our passion for connection, collaboration, and celebration. These guiding principles shape the way we approach event planning, making it a more inclusive and enjoyable experience for all.


Our Mission

Revolutionizing Revelry

Our mission is to revolutionize event planning forever! We are dedicated to simplifying the planning process, making it an inclusive team effort that brings people together. We believe that by working together, we can create events that are more meaningful and enjoyable for everyone involved.


At Participy, our ultimate goal is to help people have a good time. We strive to create a platform that fosters connection, inspires creativity, and encourages everyone to be a part of the event planning process. Together, let’s celebrate the moments that make life worth living!


Be a part

Join the Celebration Revolution

At Participy, every event is a new adventure, a canvas for collective creativity and joy. We don’t just plan events; we craft experiences that stay in your heart long after the last guest has left. Our platform is more than an app – it’s a community space where ideas flourish, laughter is shared, and memories are made.